- Golangのプロジェクトや、ツール系のスクリプトを管理するためにMakefileを使うことが多いが、Taskfileというツールもあるらしく、そちらも試してみる。
- Makeよりも使いやすいことを目的としているタスクランナー/ビルドツール。
- LinuxやmacOSだけでなく、Windowsでも使える。
Quick Start
- Install
sudo npm install -g @go-task/cli
を作成version: '3' tasks: hello: cmds: - echo 'Hello World from Task!' silent: true
- タスクの実行
task hello # Hello World from Task!
- ヘルプ
task --help Usage: task [flags...] [task...] Runs the specified task(s). Falls back to the "default" task if no task name was specified, or lists all tasks if an unknown task name was specified. Example: 'task hello' with the following 'Taskfile.yml' file will generate an 'output.txt' file with the content "hello". ''' version: '3' tasks: hello: cmds: - echo "I am going to write a file named 'output.txt' now." - echo "hello" > output.txt generates: - output.txt ''' Options: -c, --color Colored output. Enabled by default. Set flag to false or use NO_COLOR=1 to disable. (default true) --completion string Generates shell completion script. -C, --concurrency int Limit number tasks to run concurrently. -d, --dir string Sets directory of execution. -n, --dry Compiles and prints tasks in the order that they would be run, without executing them. -x, --exit-code Pass-through the exit code of the task command. --experiments Lists all the available experiments and whether or not they are enabled. -f, --force Forces execution even when the task is up-to-date. -g, --global Runs global Taskfile, from $HOME/{T,t}askfile.{yml,yaml}. -h, --help Shows Task usage. -i, --init Creates a new Taskfile.yml in the current folder. --insecure Forces Task to download Taskfiles over insecure connections. -I, --interval duration Interval to watch for changes. -j, --json Formats task list as JSON. -l, --list Lists tasks with description of current Taskfile. -a, --list-all Lists tasks with or without a description. --no-status Ignore status when listing tasks as JSON -o, --output string Sets output style: [interleaved|group|prefixed]. --output-group-begin string Message template to print before a task's grouped output. --output-group-end string Message template to print after a task's grouped output. --output-group-error-only Swallow output from successful tasks. -p, --parallel Executes tasks provided on command line in parallel. -s, --silent Disables echoing. --sort string Changes the order of the tasks when listed. [default|alphanumeric|none]. --status Exits with non-zero exit code if any of the given tasks is not up-to-date. --summary Show summary about a task. -t, --taskfile string Choose which Taskfile to run. Defaults to "Taskfile.yml". -v, --verbose Enables verbose mode. --version Show Task version. -w, --watch Enables watch of the given task. -y, --yes Assume "yes" as answer to all prompts.
https://github.com/ys39/dotfiles ではMakefileを用いていたが、Taskfileに変更してみる(現状は、
をMakefileで実行している)また、シンボリックリンクは一般的にはln -s
というツールがあるらしいので、そちらも試してみる。 -
を利用するため、用途ごとにディレクトリを分ける。stow --dotfiles
. ├── .gitignore ├── README.md ├── Taskfile.yml ├── bash │ ├── dot-bash_profile │ └── dot-bashrc ├── editor │ ├── dot-editorconfig │ └── dot-vimrc ├── git │ ├── dot-commit_template │ ├── dot-gitconfig │ ├── dot-gitconfig.local │ └── dot-gitignore_global ├── homebrew │ └── dot-Brewfile ├── scripts │ └── setup_gitconfig_local.sh ├── shell │ └── dot-aliases ├── wsl │ └── dot-wslconfig └── zsh └── dot-zshrc
version: '3' vars: DOTFILES_DIR: "{{.TASKFILE_DIR}}" SCRIPTS_DIR: "{{.DOTFILES_DIR}}/scripts" HOME_DIR: "{{.HOME}}" tasks: create: desc: "Create dot-gitconfig.local if not present" cmds: - sh "{{.SCRIPTS_DIR}}/setup_gitconfig_local.sh" link: desc: "Create symlinks for dotfiles" cmds: - stow --dotfiles -v -d "{{.DOTFILES_DIR}}" -t "{{.HOME_DIR}}" shell - stow --dotfiles -v -d "{{.DOTFILES_DIR}}" -t "{{.HOME_DIR}}" bash - stow --dotfiles -v -d "{{.DOTFILES_DIR}}" -t "{{.HOME_DIR}}" zsh - stow --dotfiles -v -d "{{.DOTFILES_DIR}}" -t "{{.HOME_DIR}}" editor - stow --dotfiles -v -d "{{.DOTFILES_DIR}}" -t "{{.HOME_DIR}}" git - stow --dotfiles -v -d "{{.DOTFILES_DIR}}" -t "{{.HOME_DIR}}" homebrew - stow --dotfiles -v -d "{{.DOTFILES_DIR}}" -t "{{.HOME_DIR}}" wsl unlink: desc: "Remove symlinks for dotfiles" cmds: - stow --dotfiles -v -d "{{.DOTFILES_DIR}}" -t "{{.HOME_DIR}}" -D shell - stow --dotfiles -v -d "{{.DOTFILES_DIR}}" -t "{{.HOME_DIR}}" -D bash - stow --dotfiles -v -d "{{.DOTFILES_DIR}}" -t "{{.HOME_DIR}}" -D zsh - stow --dotfiles -v -d "{{.DOTFILES_DIR}}" -t "{{.HOME_DIR}}" -D editor - stow --dotfiles -v -d "{{.DOTFILES_DIR}}" -t "{{.HOME_DIR}}" -D git - stow --dotfiles -v -d "{{.DOTFILES_DIR}}" -t "{{.HOME_DIR}}" -D homebrew - stow --dotfiles -v -d "{{.DOTFILES_DIR}}" -t "{{.HOME_DIR}}" -D wsl setup: desc: "Run both create and link tasks" cmds: - task: create - task: link
セットアップのDry Run
# Dry-run task -n setup # task: [create] sh "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver/scripts/setup_gitconfig_local.sh" # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" shell # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" bash # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" zsh # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" editor # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" git # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" homebrew # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" wsl
# セットアップ task setup # task: [create] sh "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver/scripts/setup_gitconfig_local.sh" # dot-gitconfig.local already exists, skipping... # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" shell # LINK: .aliases => dotfiles_taskver/shell/dot-aliases # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" bash # LINK: .bash_profile => dotfiles_taskver/bash/dot-bash_profile # LINK: .bashrc => dotfiles_taskver/bash/dot-bashrc # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" zsh # LINK: .zshrc => dotfiles_taskver/zsh/dot-zshrc # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" editor # LINK: .editorconfig => dotfiles_taskver/editor/dot-editorconfig # LINK: .vimrc => dotfiles_taskver/editor/dot-vimrc # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" git # LINK: .gitignore_global => dotfiles_taskver/git/dot-gitignore_global # LINK: .commit_template => dotfiles_taskver/git/dot-commit_template # LINK: .gitconfig.local => dotfiles_taskver/git/dot-gitconfig.local # LINK: .gitconfig => dotfiles_taskver/git/dot-gitconfig # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" homebrew # LINK: .Brewfile => dotfiles_taskver/homebrew/dot-Brewfile # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" wsl # LINK: .wslconfig => dotfiles_taskver/wsl/dot-wslconfig
# シンボリックリンクの削除 task unlink # task: [unlink] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" -D shell # UNLINK: .aliases # BUG in find_stowed_path? Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir dotfiles_taskver and path ~~ at /usr/share/perl5/Stow.pm line 966, <DATA> line 22. # BUG in find_stowed_path? Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir dotfiles_taskver and path ~~ at /usr/share/perl5/Stow.pm line 966, <DATA> line 22. # task: [unlink] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" -D bash # UNLINK: .bash_profile # UNLINK: .bashrc # BUG in find_stowed_path? Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir dotfiles_taskver and path ~~ at /usr/share/perl5/Stow.pm line 966, <DATA> line 22. # BUG in find_stowed_path? Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir dotfiles_taskver and path ~~ at /usr/share/perl5/Stow.pm line 966, <DATA> line 22. # task: [unlink] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" -D zsh # UNLINK: .zshrc # BUG in find_stowed_path? Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir dotfiles_taskver and path ~~ at /usr/share/perl5/Stow.pm line 966, <DATA> line 22. # BUG in find_stowed_path? Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir dotfiles_taskver and path ~~ at /usr/share/perl5/Stow.pm line 966, <DATA> line 22. # task: [unlink] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" -D editor # UNLINK: .editorconfig # UNLINK: .vimrc # BUG in find_stowed_path? Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir dotfiles_taskver and path ~~ at /usr/share/perl5/Stow.pm line 966, <DATA> line 22. # BUG in find_stowed_path? Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir dotfiles_taskver and path ~~ at /usr/share/perl5/Stow.pm line 966, <DATA> line 22. # task: [unlink] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" -D git # UNLINK: .gitignore_global # UNLINK: .commit_template # UNLINK: .gitconfig.local # UNLINK: .gitconfig # BUG in find_stowed_path? Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir dotfiles_taskver and path ~~ at /usr/share/perl5/Stow.pm line 966, <DATA> line 22. # BUG in find_stowed_path? Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir dotfiles_taskver and path ~~ at /usr/share/perl5/Stow.pm line 966, <DATA> line 22. # task: [unlink] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" -D homebrew # UNLINK: .Brewfile # BUG in find_stowed_path? Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir dotfiles_taskver and path ~~ at /usr/share/perl5/Stow.pm line 966, <DATA> line 22. # BUG in find_stowed_path? Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir dotfiles_taskver and path ~~ at /usr/share/perl5/Stow.pm line 966, <DATA> line 22. # task: [unlink] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" -D wsl # UNLINK: .wslconfig # BUG in find_stowed_path? Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir dotfiles_taskver and path ~~ at /usr/share/perl5/Stow.pm line 966, <DATA> line 22. # BUG in find_stowed_path? Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir dotfiles_taskver and path ~~ at /usr/share/perl5/Stow.pm line 966, <DATA> line 22.
- 二回目以降の
task setup
task setup # task: [create] sh "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver/scripts/setup_gitconfig_local.sh" # dot-gitconfig.local already exists, skipping... # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" shell # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" bash # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" zsh # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" editor # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" git # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" homebrew # task: [link] stow --dotfiles -v -d "$HOME/dotfiles_taskver" -t "$HOME" wsl
- 二回目以降の
silent: true
でコマンドの出力を抑制できるが、dry-runの場合に実行コマンドが確認できなくなるため、記載しない。task unlink
を実行すると、他シンボリックリンクがある場合に、BUG in find_stowed_path? Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir dotfiles_taskver and path ~~ at /usr/share/perl5/Stow.pm line 966, <DATA> line 22.
の不具合かと思われる(現状バージョンは2.3.1)。https://github.com/aspiers/stow/issues/65 にて同様のエラーが報告されている。
- Taskfileの方がReferenceは読みやすい。
- Makefileとは異なり、Taskfileはyml形式で記述するため、シンプルで可読性が高い。(https://taskfile.dev/styleguide/ にスタイルガイドあり)
の記載が必要ないため、Makefileよりも簡潔に記述できる。- Makefileではコマンドベースだったが、Taskfileではキーで処理できるものが増えている。(
など) defer